About Matt Hanson

Matt Hanson is a champion for working class families and brings a solid foundation of values to his role as State Representative. Dedicated to protecting working families, Matt focuses on crafting legislation that empowers the middle class and benefits all of Illinois.
In his first term, Matt dives into key committees, including Appropriations-General Services, Transportation, Cities & Villages, and Police & Fire, making waves for positive change. As the Illinois House Rep for the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission, he’s all about connecting and advocating for our transit and passenger rail infrastructure for our State.
Before donning the political hat, he rolled up his sleeves as a conductor and engineer at BNSF Railway, earned officer positions in SMART-TD Local 171, and taught and coached safety commitment and programs to his coworkers.
As a former Commissioner on the Kane County Board, Hanson steered the ship through challenges, ensuring CARES Act funds reached those in need during the peak of Coronavirus, budgets were responsible, and overdue contracts and raises were delivered to County employees.
A proud University of Richmond graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Matt’s not just about politics. He’s your guy on the Aurora Historic Preservation Commission and the METRA Citizens Advisory Board, making sure your voice is heard.
Beyond the hustle, Matt is a dedicated volunteer at his church and throughout the community, embodying his commitment to making a positive impact wherever he goes.
As State Representative, he can be counted on to protect women’s rights, stand up for policy that takes guns off our streets and keeps Illinois on a solid path of progress.